Foundry Capability

It is able to produce 900 tons steel melt, cast 700 tons steel ingots, and manufacture 600 tons cast steel parts
  • 400t Vacuum Ingot Chamber
  • 150t Ladle Refining Furnace 
  • 125t Electroslag Remelting Furnace
  • 120t VOD Furnace
  • 80t Ulta-high Power Electric Arc Furnace
  • 75t Ladle Refining Furnace 
  • 60t Ladle Refining Furnace 
  • 60t Mobile Phenolic Resin Sand Mixer

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Only the High Quality Casting Steel Can
Produce Qualified Girth Gears
Impact Resistance
Breakage Resistance
Wear Resistance
Fatigue Resistance
Spalling Resistance
Plastic Flow Resistance